health conditions

Can Massage Help Fibromyalgia? Everything To Know

Can Massage Help Fibromyalgia? Everything To Know

Living with fibromyalgia can be complex and challenging. This disorder comes with flare-ups and remission cycles, and one of its main symptoms is high pain sensitivity. For people living with this condition, the idea of a soothing massage may sound tempting. But can massage help fibromyalgia? And if so, what should you know before adding it to your routine?

If you’re curious about trying this ancient therapy, you’ve come to the right place. Below, find everything you need to know about massage and fibromyalgia. 

What to Know Before You Start

Every day with fibromyalgia can be different. You may feel good some days, but on others, you may feel extra sore or uncomfortable. Similarly, touch from massage might be exactly what you need sometimes — but other times, it might not feel so great.

In any case, remember to listen to your body. Talk to your doctor before trying massage, and don’t push yourself through anything that causes you significant pain. Moreover, remember to err on the side of caution when you’re in a flare-up.

Before starting a massage routine, make sure you don’t have any contraindications. These are certain conditions that can become irritated with pressure or touch, such as infections, hypertension, or injuries. If you aren’t sure about something, be sure to check with your physician.

Can Massage Help Fibromyalgia? Potential Benefits

So, can massage help fibromyalgia

In many cases, yes. Here are some incredible potential benefits of massage for fibromyalgia:

1. Eases Pain

The widespread nature of fibromyalgia pain can make it challenging to go through your day-to-day life. For example, it can make it harder to do laundry, take care of pets, or do other daily tasks. Fortunately, some emerging research shows that certain types of massage may help with fibromyalgia pain. 

One 2017 study looked at the benefits of exercise alone versus exercise with connective tissue massage. They found that this type of massage with exercise could ease pain, fatigue, and sleep problems in fibromyalgia patients.

A meta-analysis from 2014 also found that massage for greater than five weeks may help people with fibromyalgia reduce pain. 

2. Stress Management

Stress is one of those things that can magnify unpleasant sensations in your body and mind. And in the case of fibromyalgia, it can amplify pain or discomfort. This might be due to its effects on certain hormones and muscle tension.

Luckily, certain types of massage may relieve stress and help you feel better. In one 2010 study, researchers found that myofascial massage helped patients improve their anxiety and quality of life. Another 2015 review found that myofascial release eased anxiety for those with fibromyalgia. 

With all this in mind, massage may be worth a try if you want to relieve stress and relax your body.

3. Enhances Mood

As you may know, fibromyalgia is not just physical. It can also bring on emotional symptoms, such as depression or anxiety. Fortunately, massage may increase certain chemicals in your brain associated with happiness — and this could lead to a notable boost in your mood.

Aside from that, a 2014 review also found that massage for more than five weeks helped improve depression in fibromyalgia patients.

4. Sleep and Fatigue

Problems with sleep and fatigue are common for those living with fibromyalgia. But the good news is that massage’s soothing effects may help you fight fatigue and sleep better. Some early research has shown a positive effect on fibromyalgia and sleep, especially with myofascial massage.

How to Try Massage for Fibromyalgia

If you want to try massage for fibromyalgia, there are many options to choose from. But to keep things simple, you can:

  • Visit a massage therapist with knowledge of fibromyalgia. They can give you the best possible experience by considering your symptoms, tension points, and goals in each session.
  • Self-massage at home. If visiting a massage therapist is inaccessible for you, don’t stress. There are still some excellent, affordable alternatives out there. For example, you can use a therapeutic device like the MedMassager Body Massager Plus. You can also ask a partner or even use your own hands to gently massage your body in areas that you can reach.

The Bottom Line

Massage may offer incredible benefits, such as easing pain, reducing stress, and promoting better sleep. However, each person is unique, and massage therapy isn’t always a match for everyone. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor before getting started. They can help you determine whether massage is a safe and worthwhile choice for you.

With the thumbs-up from a physician, you can try whichever type of massage you feel is best. For instance, you can visit a masseuse at your local spa. Or, you can self-massage using a device from MedMassager for regular, restorative self-care in the comfort of your home.

Check out the MedMassager Body Massager Plus, or view MedMassager's full line of soothing tools today.

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